Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sick of being sick!!!

I think the title of this blog sums it up really. I'm so tired of pass the germ game!! So in the last 5 weeks, Reilly has vomited at least one day each week. She got really sick w/ bronchitis while in Colorado for spring break (I was home she was with my mom...I was FREAKING out to say the least) but on Sunday she spiked a fever of 104.5 H-E-L-L-O!!! Really I totally know that kids get sick etc, but I'm starting to think people don't believe me anymore. She doesn't go to daycare, school, play groups or anything like that and my house is clean so where is she getting all of these germs from? And why can't her body fight them off?? In the last month I have missed out on so many things it isn't even funny. Work, sewing/crafting, and visiting teaching just to name a few. Not to mention just hanging out w/ friends like I normally do on my days off (or seeing Jenny before she leaves for three months or my friend who just had her baby yesterday). So...if you are reading this and I have flaked out on you, I'm super sorry and I hope you understand... but me being stuck in the house for days on end is punishment enough, so please put away your voodoo dolls!!

1 comment:

Renae said...

Haha.. We definitely have missed you! I hope you guys are all better now!