Monday, March 30, 2009

How do I prepare???

So, September 6th is still like 5 months and about one week away still but I'm seriously freaking out already. I just don't know how to prepare myself or my girls for daddy being gone for an entire year! We have really been trying to spend every last minute together lately (and will continue doing so until he leaves), but I find myself fighting back the tears late at night or when I have a quiet moment to myself.

On Saturday we spent the day at a local theme park (so gross will blog about that later), had lunch together, then did the grocery shopping and watched some TV that night. I was running on only 4 hours of sleep since I had worked the night before, but I know in a year from now... or in even six months from now I will wish we had taken full advantage of the time. So, I sucked it up...had a coke, and pressed on!

On Sunday... well this is where I should be saying we got up and went to church. But, the girls were so good (and quiet) that we over slept!! Well... I woke up at 1130 (not enough time to get all of us ready). Cut me some slack though...see the 4 hour sleep thing from Saturday, I was really tired.

Plus, I couldn't pull myself out of bed and away from Brent because I know soon enough he will not be there (for a while) and I know that I will want nothing to do with my lonely bed. Not to mention we will need so many blessings (and good karma) during that time, you may find me floating around during the other ward services just to make sure I'm squared away, you know-- for the extra brownie points (ha ha).

Last night I couldn't sleep for anything! I usually have absolutely no problem sleeping either, so I was quite frustrated. I kept letting my mind wander which leads to my reoccurring nightmares (of him being gone). So, for a little security I would move my foot closer to his just so I knew he was there. Good for me, but bad for him since my feet are always like ICE! Oh well, he fell back asleep w/o any problems.

I know 5 months seems like a long time from now, but as our schedules are right now we only have one weekend a month where we are both completely off work, and the ARMY is enjoying taking him for three full days a month rather than the normal two. In July he has two week Annual Training (hmmm... odd since he will be doing it real time for a year, but whatever). They usually have August off since it is so hot but not this year, and then on September 6th he heads to NJ for two months for mobilization training. But they are being nice and planning to let them come home for FOUR DAYS in November before they leave for Kuwait (then into Baghdad from there). The way these days fall kind of stink for us!! He will miss my birthday this year (and next), our anniversary (this year and next), Reilly & Lyndsey's Bdays this year and of course the holidays between Sept 6th 2009 & 2010.

Geez, what a long rambling session huh!? Just trying to get all of these things off my chest to hopefully help me have a better, more positive type of day.

I just miss him already, and he is still here!

1 comment:

Renae said...

I didn't realize he would be gone for that long :( We really need to talk in person! I know you're super busy though...sometime though!