Monday, April 27, 2009

Jelly Fish

So, while doing some grocery shopping the other day the girls reminded me we were out of PB & J...a staple here in the Fisk household. So we were chatting in front of the jelly looking to see what is the best deal, YES... the girls are already bargain shoppers. Lyndsey knows to compare the weight AND the price to make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck.
So, I automatically grab the STRAWBERRY (of the least expensive brand) and start to walk away. Reilly speaks up and says that she wants GRAPE, while my first thought was that she is a traitor, I still consulted w/ Lyndsey on her preference and she too wanted GRAPE (uugh...gross girls but whatever). So I grabbed the grape too and we headed to another isle.

While on the way the following conversation takes place:
Rei: Mommy, are there really Jelly fish in this world?
Me: Yeah baby... they live in the ocean.
Rei: Well, how about we catch one and take it home, when we want some jelly we tickle the jelly fish and it will squirt it right on our toast!!

Wow!! Great idea right? Now THAT is a bargain shopper...duh, just buy the fish that makes the jelly. Where have I been?
Yes... I did explain where jelly comes from.
Note to self: Don't take Reilly if I decide to compare prices on a babies.


Renae said...

Way to go girls..grape jelly is the best! haha

N Godown said...

you gotta try the sugar-free smuckers jelly. It is seriously SO MUCH BETTEr than the real stuff. I will never go back. Strawberry and Raspberry.