Monday, August 29, 2011

I was thinking

So as I was blog stalking several strangers today I started thinking that maybe I should actually blog myself! Crazy concept I know... just stick with me here.

So when I started this blog a while back I was going to blog about the family and all of the fun/cool things we do. Then I started thinking that we are not that "FUN" so why blog. It wasn't until recently that I realized that my life is just ordinary to ME! Yes...the MR & I are still over worked and exhausted all the time but in a world like this, who isn't. I love to blog, I love to write...and I used to wish I had more time to do both. But instead of wishing, I'm now "doing" so take this blog or leave it. The one down side, is that our computer at home is BUSTED beyond repair (I'm blogging from a secret location today), so I can't really upload any pictures until we get a new one. Soo...until then it's just going to be like a long story with no cool pictures.

** But hey--it's online so you don't have to feel the awful texture of the paper (seriously why is there such horrible feeling paper for books?).

As most people know, I'm super busy all of the time...but everyone is these days! I always put my own wants/needs on the back burner as most parents/spouses do, but I have learned (the hard way) doing this is taking a toll on my happiness. I am really trying to pull out of my "funk." I've made a promise to myself that I need to start paying attention to ME (geez I feel selfish), otherwise I'll lose what little is left of my mind!

With that said...I'm getting back into my HOBBY of dog obedience with my NEW PUPPY! Then, once our computer is fixed...I am going to bite the bullet and invest in some Photo Shop software so that I can do photography that I'm so desperately wanting to learn more about. Eek, I'm excited!!!

Dog shows + Photos = Happy Me

Happy me = Happy Family!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Why can I not comment on my own blog? It says I do not have permission, then it says to log in...when I am ALREADY LOGGED IN. Can any of you savvy bloggers help me?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Oh Em Gee!!! Whippycake (my favorite tempting accessories company) is having the best giveaway EVER! $100 in free WC goodness... for ME! Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm frugal so winning this would make my year! It would also make me one HOT mama, since I feel so beautiful when I rock my Whippycake Glamour Bands! Eek, okay seriously I can hardly type I'm so excited. Keep your fingers crossed that I WIN! Check out their amazing site-- I'm not all computer savvy so my link looks lame, but it will get you to the site all the same!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Better late than never right? Well, that is my blogging motto these days. I have so much to fill you in on though!! So I will add a few new posts today to try to catch up.
First, in response to my previous post I decided to go for the Celiac blood panel and that was NEGATIVE!! Super woot!! Well, you can still get false negatives, but I chose not to get the "scope" to look at my guts, because I had already been violated enough, and either way I'm severely allergic to gluten (among other things) so I have to be gluten free anyway (the only way to treat Celiac). So, I'm content with my blood results and I didn't feel the need for additional testing. Yay me! On a side note, I'm losing weight and am down 18 pounds since Thanksgiving and I feel amazing.
With that, I have also decided to share some of my new recipes. I have tried many GF,SF,vegan type recipes and they are pretty good, but I always have to add my own twist to make them "better". I have my favorite chocolate cake recipe (before GF life), so I decided I had to make it safe for me now. Let me tell you, It is freaking AMAZING! I can't believe it is GF,SF,Vegan chocolaty goodness. So I had to share, since most of my recipes come from other bloggers. Maybe someone will eventually see my great cake and make it!! :) I will have to post pictures later. You will not believe this is GF. Remember, you have to triple check ingredients on your products to ensure they are the GF,SF version.

OMG I DID IT-- Chocolate Cake

1 Cup Brown Rice Flour
1/2 Cup Quinoa Flour
1/4 Cup Tapioca Flour
2 Cups Xylitol
3/4 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa powder
1.5 tsp baking soda
1.5 tsp baking powder
1 tsp Xanthan Gum
1/2 Cup oil (I use canola to make it soy free)
1 tsp salt
1 Cup Almond milk
Egg replacer (equivalent to 2 eggs) ** I used Energy brand** follow directions on box
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 Cup boiling water

Mix flours well with whisk to blend all together, then add remaining dry ingredients until well incorporated. *This is super important when baking gluten free*

Then mix milk,egg replacer,oil and vanilla, at this point batter will be thick. Lastly add boiling water and stir well. (I do not use electric mixer, because everyone cautions against over mixing, better to be safe than sorry)

Pour immediately into greased & floured (coconut oil & rice flour) 13x9 or two 9 inch round baking pans. Bake at 350 F degrees for 30-35 minutes.

I don't have frosting for this cake, I prefer warm chocolate cake w/ buttery spread melted on top. So Stinkin' good. You have to try it!!