Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Recent changes

So, things have been a little crazy around the home front, yet it seems to have become the norm, and I’m actually okay with that.

Brent leaves Thursday morning for training, but the official farewell ceremony is on Sept 25th at 1100 (for those who want to attend). I think I’m actually going to be okay. But, ask me this time next week and I may have a different opinion. Now, I’m not saying I’m okay with him leaving…I’m just saying that I’ve shaken that “wake me when it’s over” feeling.

Our nanny Jessica arrived the week before last, she is great and the girls just love her. I think having her around is what snapped me out of my funk. Hello…I can’t let someone else watch me fall apart, RIGHT? Ha ha…half way kidding. The following is a conversation that she and her mom overheard the girls having while they were in the shower her first night here.

Rei: Wow! What is all of that sissy, can we use it? (Talking about shampoo)
Lynds: NO! That is Jessica’s
Rei: Is she our nanny?
Lynds: Yes
Rei: She doesn’t even look like a nanny, she is pretty.
Lynds: Yep
Rei: Well, if she is our nanny…surely she has glasses around here somewhere!?

Now…the funniest thing about this conversation is trying to figure out what Reilly was thinking. Being that Nanny McPhee is her favorite movie, she was probably expecting some old snaggle toothed, witch nosed looking lady. But, instead she got a young, nice, and pretty girl. And she was just trying to come to terms with things.
Poor baby, her mind was probably on overload.

With that said, I think that daddy Fisk is having a hard time with seeing the changes around the house. He is becoming grumpier as the days go by, but perhaps it is because things are setting in for him too. No matter how things are when he is away, it won’t be the same and we will miss him terribly.

Now, I believe my next bit deserves it’s own blog entry, but since I’m blogging about meaningful things, I will include it here.

A few posts ago, I had written about a woman named Kim Miller who is fighting colon cancer, and how I have followed her blog for some time. I was so DEEPLY SADDENED today, when I checked her blog for an update, but instead there was information for her funeral arrangements. My heart seriously fell to my stomach when I read it, and for a minute I even thought maybe it was information for someone else’s services. I believe that she was called home by our Heavenly Father, and although we are sad; the heavens were rejoicing upon her return. I pray for her entire family, especially her children during this hard time.
Please, check out her blog, the abundance of pictures capture her sweet spirit.

Blogged with LOTS of love today...

1 comment:

Renae said...

Thanks for the udpate on Kim..I had checked out her blog a while ago when you mentioned it. What a beautiful person!